The Top 5 Agile Frameworks: An Overview, Pros, Cons, and More

When it comes to software development, there are often strict deadlines to meet, multiple stakeholders to please, and a lot of hard work to be done. It’s never easy, but Agile frameworks exist to make the process much more manageable. There are several frameworks to choose from, with names like “Scrum” and “Kanban” amongst them. This guide will review five of the best and most proven options.

An Introduction to Agile Frameworks

Before taking a closer look at some of the best Agile frameworks, it’s important to understand what Agile methodology is all about, and where it comes from. Back before Agile, software developers typically relied on the traditional waterfall model. This simple model breaks down a project into a series of linear sequences or phases. The team moves from phase to phase until the project is completed.

The waterfall model is structured and straightforward, but has its flaws. For example, no functional software actually gets made until the latter stages. Plus, if clients adjust their demands, delays can occur and large amounts of time tend to be wasted. Software development teams and project managers consistently encountered these issues, among others, and hoped for a better alternative to waterfall.

Enter, Agile methodology. In 2001, the Manifesto for Agile Software Development was published. The manifesto paved the way for a new approach. Customer collaboration. Adaptability. Flexibility. Those were the fundamental building blocks of this new form of Agile development, and it didn’t take long for this customer-centric approach to be widely-embraced by the development industry and beyond.

The Top 5 Agile Frameworks

The Agile Manifesto simply laid out some key principles for businesses to follow. It didn’t involve any clear steps or defined methods. Instead, various developers and innovative minds have taken those principles over the years and used them to create their own ways of working. This is what we mean by Agile frameworks. There are plenty of options, but here are five of the most popular examples.


Out of all the many Agile methodologies, Scrum stands out as the most common and popular. Simple to understand but tricky to master, it’s nevertheless terrific for small teams that want to boost their productivity and deliver the best value products and experiences.

With the Scrum system, work is divided up into mini stages, or development cycles, known as sprints. Each sprint can last from one to four weeks. There are also daily scrum meetings to talk about progress so far and identify any obstacles or problems that need solving to maximize the team’s output.

Communication is a major part of the Scrum framework. Team members are encouraged to fill each other in on their progress and tasks, as well as speaking with the “Scrum Master,” who oversees everything.

Thanks to the focus on communication, speed, and efficiency, many developers and workers in general enjoy the Scrum method. For the most part, it’s clear and easy to follow. Plus, by breaking down the whole working cycle into small sprints, teams can easily adapt on the fly to suit changing customer needs or expectations.


  • Each team member has clearly-defined and easy-to-understand roles
  • Tends to work well at motivating and encouraging workers
  • Quick sprints can make large projects feel more manageable
  • Easy to adapt and implement changes on-the-fly
  • Customers get to see something new at the end of each sprint


  • Focusing on small sprints can lead to teams losing sight of their large goals
  • Lots of time spent on daily scrum meetings

Best For:

  • Small teams (up to 10 people)
  • Teams working on a single specific product
  • Projects where customers expect regular updates


Kanban is another popular Agile framework. The name comes from a Japanese word which means signboard or billboard, and this system was pioneered by a Japanese industrial engineer named Taiichi Ohno. Ohno worked as an industrial engineer for Toyota and wanted to devise a system to boost efficiency.

The Top 5 Agile Frameworks An Overview, Pros, Cons, and More 1

As the signboard meaning of the name suggests, this method involves the use of a visual board – which can be physical or digital – with cards or notes across it to show tasks that need completing. The tasks are then assigned to different columns or lanes with headings like “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Complete.”

As tasks are worked on and finished, the cards move across the board. This allows large teams or even multiple teams working on the same project to see how progress is going. It provides a clear and broad overview of the project’s path to completion, showing what’s done and what needs doing at all times.

Plus, the board can always be updated with fresh notes as new tasks arrive. For example, a client may view a prototype of a product or program and request some changes. New tasks will then be added to the board for teams to work on.


  • Provides a clear overview of a project’s progress
  • Excellent for visual learners
  • Lets multiple teams monitor each other’s progress
  • Simple to implement across different industries


  • Lack of clear timeframes can cause delays
  • The board needs to be updated at all times to avoid confusion

Best For:

  • Projects that aren’t necessarily software-related
  • Large teams
  • Multiple teams working on the same project
  • Projects without fixed deadlines


XP stands for Extreme Programming. This Agile framework came about in the 90s and was developed by American software engineer, Kent Beck. Like Taiichi Ohno, Beck developed his Agile approach while working at a car company; he was involved in a project to streamline payroll for Chrysler.

What sets XP apart is its immense focus on the customer. Customers and clients aren’t just stakeholders in XP, they’re active participants in the development process, every step of the way. Teams should always be seeking out their input and approval before moving on. The logic behind this is that, by including customers in every part of the process, the final product should be more aligned with their needs.

To begin a project with XP, it’s first important to identify the customer’s requirements and demands. From there, the team can simply follow the key principles of XP, which include keeping things simple and always seeking feedback and input from the customer.

Teamwork is a big part of the XP approach, along with communication. It can be a very effective method for keeping everyone on the same page.


  • One of the simplest frameworks to follow
  • Sets out clear rules and guidelines for all
  • Keeps the customer involved to reduce risks of delays or disappointments
  • Generally good for team morale and positivity


  • Can be tricky for teams that are separated or working remotely
  • Delays can occur if customers are slow to provide necessary feedback

Best For:

  • Projects that are expected to have lots of changes and alterations
  • Projects that can benefit from regular customer input
  • Teams dealing with strict deadlines


Lean development is another Agile framework that has its origins in automobile manufacture. Essentially an adaptation of the Toyota Production System, it’s used by the car company to organize and streamline its manufacturing processes.

As the name implies, lean development is all about being lean. That means cutting out any tasks or activities which don’t provide value or contribute to the creation of the final product. Like XP, it’s based around a series of key principles, such as the focus on quality, the optimization of processes, and the removal of waste.

With a lean approach, teams are encouraged to eliminate any and all procedures which negatively impact their efficiency or slow them down. Things like morning meetings, for example, or mundane and needless tasks can be quickly cut from a lean project.

Lean is also a relatively flexible approach. It encourages teams to experiment and try new things. Those things might not always work out, but with lean methodology mistakes and failures are expected. Teams simply need to adapt and find solutions if and when those failures occur.


  • Excellent for speeding up work and hitting deadlines
  • Improves morale by removing needless, wasteful activities
  • Gives team members the freedom to fail and experiment
  • Often helps to save money by cutting out costly processes


  • The experimental nature of this approach can lead to delays and unwanted problems
  • Team members need to be very adaptable to succeed

Best For:

  • Small teams working on small, focused projects
  • Teams that want to save as much time as possible
  • Teams with limited budgets
  • Projects with strict deadlines


Crystal isn’t actually the name of just one Agile framework. It’s an umbrella term for four different frameworks: Crystal Clear, Crystal Yellow, Crystal Orange, and Crystal Red.

The Top 5 Agile Frameworks An Overview, Pros, Cons, and More 2

Each framework is aimed at different team sizes, with Crystal Clear best for small groups of up to eight members and Crystal Red for the biggest teams of anything over 50 people. Hence, this one of the most flexible Agile frameworks, capable of working for almost any business, from small start-ups to grand enterprises.

The cornerstone of Crystal is adaptability. It’s all about project managers adapting to fit the needs and skills of their team, adjusting their management, communication, and so on to get results.

In other words, Crystal is concentrated on the individual. It’s about helping every member of the team feel valued and heard, and it allows for lots of freedom and experimentation to achieve that objective.


  • One of the lightest and least restrictive methodologies
  • Allows talented workers to express themselves
  • Provides freedom and flexibility across the board
  • Facilitates communication and teamwork


  • A loose framework without clear rules or boundaries
  • Not always easy to implement due to its lack of structure
  • Works poorly for remote or scattered teams

Best For:

  • Teams with talented and experienced members
  • Larger teams
  • Teams that are all in the same office or workspace
  • Businesses with very liberal and freedom-oriented cultures

Find the Right Agile Framework for Your Business

From XP to Lean, there are lots of different Agile frameworks to choose from. As this guide shows, each framework has its clear advantages and best-use scenarios, and they can all be effective and efficient when used correctly. Often, it’s best to test out multiple frameworks to see which one is best-suited to each project and situation.